Dimensions, formerly Love in Action, is a vibrant ministry of Valley View Christian Fellowship in Reno, Nevada. Dimensions began in 2005 with a small group of people assembling “life packs” to be utilized by our local congregation. These “Life Packs” would be handed out to anyone in need of basic supplies. As Dimensions began looking for resources for these life packs and as donations increased, it was decided to expand the ministry downtown to the "Motel Row" area of Reno. In 2006, Dimensions began handing out groceries starting with 20 bags of groceries and a few boxes of clothes. This has continued to serve as the primary way of ministry for Dimensions. Dimensions has been faithful to go to the streets of Reno once a month for the past eight years serving 100-200 people groceries, a hot lunch, clothing and other personal items; along with fellowship, prayer and handing out Bibles to anyone in need.
In July 2007, Dimensions partnered with the Food Bank of Northern Nevada (FBNN). This is when Dimensions began the community food pantry from our church location serving 24 people the first month. This has been operating every Sunday from 8:00am to 9:00am; meeting the needs of South Reno, ever since. In 2013, Dimensions distributed 134,000 pounds of food to 11,262 people, served 1825 hot meals, and gave an unprecedented amount of clothing from donations. They also gave Bibles, reading glasses and other personal items. Dimensions continues to assemble and distribute hundreds of life packs; with toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, socks, snacks, drinks, and other necessities.
Dimensions is blessed to currently partner with St. Vincent's in sharing part of a food grant that they receive from the State of Nevada in a collaborative effort of local food pantries. We also receive donations from Sprouts Farmers Market, Reno, Sparks, The Blessing Box, 7-11 on Geiger Grade and Trader Joe's continues to be generous in providing all of the grocery bags we use in our distribution! The Food Bank of Northern Nevada still provides Dimensions with dry goods, fresh produce, frozen goods and meats.
Still, the most important asset of this ministry is our awesome volunteers. To date we have 35-40 faithful volunteers who do a myriad of tasks from picking up and putting away groceries, cooking, bagging groceries and loading trucks, and setting up and cleaning up. Then there are those welcoming, signing up, serving, fellowshipping with and praying for those who come.
Dimensions functions from the premise that we are more than consumers. Ultimately we are 3-Dimensional Beings, objects of a loving Creator. It is our hope that in the near future, Dimensions will include more services than just feeding the body, such as meeting needs for the mind and spirit, through recovery and education services.
There are a lot of hurting people in our community that The Lord wants to set free and you can help us do just that!