So, one of our board members, Rand, asked me "why do you do what you do, that's what I want to know". And my response at that moment was because I love it, because it's who I am, because that's what I do. I really had to think about it and pray about it for a while and I did and here's what the Lord showed me.
First of all, it is about who I WAS. I was an addict/alcoholic who lived on the streets and did what I had to do and was just a "free spirit", or so I thought, for many years. Second, it's about who I am now, and that is my identity in Christ. I do what I do because of who He is and what He's done for me, and what He wants to do for everyone.
I accepted Jesus into my life in the spring of 1998 and was compelled to learn everything I could about Him. After many years, I am able to see now, the preparation and the equipping He has done in me. I am now and have always been passionate about nutrition. Since I was 15 years old till my job at UPS in 1995 (retired in 2019) I had always worked in the food and beverage industry and my husband Herb, still does. I have been a recovered addict/alcoholic for 33 years now (1992) so I have experience in recovery. In the winter of 1998 I had a son Aaron (my biggest lesson in unconditional love). After all that, I still felt something lacking. I was still angry and resentful and didn't have joy. I didn't have the freedom in Christ that I knew was available. That's when I learned about delivery ministry. I learned that when I got sober, that was actually God's deliverance, I never went back. I have personal experience with being delivered from the rage and anger I used to have. I am definitely not perfect, but I am beginning to understand the wholeness that God wants for each of us, body, mind and spirit. He has made me passionate to tell others and show them about the freedom that is available in Jesus.
Probably the biggest area of understanding I have gained is my compassion for people. I used to think no one was going to get over on me, I knew better than them. Everyone we see who needs help is not in that position because they want to be there or maybe not even because of their own poor choices. There are families at the pantry and downtown who go to work every day but just don't make enough to make ends meet. Then there's the mental illness. Much of the alcoholism and addiction we see is just the "calming of the mind". And then there's the hopelessness. People are just hurting these days. We don't know what to do, we don't know how to do it and many times, we were never taught the right way to do it. Sometimes we just need someone to look us in the eye, to smile, to say hello, to shake our hand or give us a hug. And guess what?! There are the ones who just want a free meal or who don't care. Does that mean God doesn't love them and does that make them any less human? We all just really want someone to love us.
So, that's why I do what I do. God has not only called me, He has equipped me and I am in a constant learning state. Dimensions strives to promote and preserve human dignity by demonstrating God's love in action, which transforms body, mind and spirit!
Fran Richardson-Dimensions director
For Dimensions and for myself personally, 2018 has been a year of depth, learning and growing in God’s grace! I could not, literally, have done it without your love, prayers, partnership and financial support…I am forever grateful for all this and for the trust you display in me and the ministry through these actions.
In 2018, Dimensions served 11,134 people groceries along with 1830 hot meals for a total distribution of 243,000 pounds of food. That does not include all the clothing donated, Bibles, hygiene items, “life packs” and anything else the Lord provided. Along with those of you who gave personally, we partnered with Trader Joe’s, Sprouts Farmers Markets, the Food Bank of Northern Nevada, Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada i.e. St. Vincent’s, Alpine Ranch, who donated over 1500 pounds of local grass fed meat, Awaken INC, Pioneer AG Church, our local 7-11 on Geiger Grade and A Voice in the Wilderness Church. I could go on and on naming all 60 volunteers who serve in Dimensions and all of the things done in 2018 but I’ve got it down to three… I don’t do this often but I would like to tell you three stories of what your support has meant this year…
I’ll start with a man that I will call Ron. We met Ron through the food pantry several years ago and he has gotten assistance from the food pantry and has helped volunteer throughout the years. He found himself in a bad situation and homeless with nowhere to go and no job. So, with my husband, after careful consideration, we offered him our couch for six weeks. A lot happened in that time, good and bad, but he finally made the decision to move back to Southern California to be around his family! A single mom and her teenage son were in a radical car accident, hit by a drunk driver, she had two broken legs and he had liver lacerations. They were living in their car at the time and I gave a friend my card if she needed help (I was thinking groceries). She called me three days before fundraising help ran out with no money and no where to go. With prayerful consideration, and my husbands blessings, we took them in. Fran’s plan was that 3 months or so she will be healed up physically and that while that was happening I could help her in other areas to move forward, make better choices, etc. I had big plans and high hopes! So that was eleven months ago! Not God’s plan! It would take a lot of words to tell you what God has done in my head and heart this last few months. Suffice it to say He is molding me to His way, whether I like it or not!! He is shaping Dimensions to His specs! Fast forward, the boy is doing good physically and she was diagnosed with a bone infection, and had, at 7 months in, a fourth surgery with a no weight restriction on the leg. There have been bizarre and frankly unbelievable developments all along the way. With a small income from Victims of Crime and your faithful giving we are facing the mountain together!
At this writing, she is on the mend, with no pain for the first time, she has gotten a job and she will be moving to her own place next month! Then comes a woman I will call Mary… Mary came to the pantry about 5 months ago. What I observed was her slurring of speech and stumbling and all around weak state. I have my own thoughts but the Lord is teaching me to see thru His eyes (not always effective). As we served her, she said she walked all the way to the church from Toll Rd (at 6 am in November). I did not know til later that she met a neighbor in line who has become a friend to her and they share a ride to the pantry. So, about 2-3 weeks later I noticed she was helping others and us a little after she got her groceries and she was not slurring or stumbling and was very coherent and bright and super grateful. So I asked her what was up(which I rarely do) and she said she was literally starving and had no food for a while. Now Mary is volunteering with Dimensions! WOW! I’ve been doing this a while but I still think this doesn’t happen here, that everyone has food because it’s available, kind of like we can “assume” that everyone has heard about Jesus!!
Thank you again! I pray blessings over you as you faithfully give. I literally could not do it without you!
2017 was another year of extreme opportunity in the ministry to and for the community we are planted in. Reno is a community of amazing people, both the people we serve and the many volunteers who make it all possible. Dimensions’ mission statement is “To promote and preserve human dignity, by demonstrating His love in action, which transforms body, mind and spirit.”. We serve a segment of society that is sometimes nameless and faceless. We provide tangible services in the form of groceries, clothing and such as well as the intangible, emotional and spiritual support that we are all so desperately seeking. The relational component of Dimensions has gone deeper year after year and has taught me more about God’s grace and unconditional compassion. I have much to learn yet, though the atmosphere is changing to one of love and not just work, work, work.
Some highlights in 2017 were, of course, getting to know our volunteers better. We have an awesome core of volunteers and have lost some faithful friends as well as gained some new friends. The core consists of about 30 steady volunteers and throughout the year another 40 serve as they are able!! We continue our partnerships with the Food Bank of N.NV., Catholic Charities of N.NV., Model Dairy, Trader Joe’s, Awaken Inc and several individuals and families. We are excited to have two new partners! Sprouts Farmers Market on S. Meadows Pkwy and 7-11 on Geiger Grade Rd.!! Easter Sunday fell on the “Love in Action” monthly outreach and it was amazing to serve and minister on Resurrection Sunday, with no shortage of volunteers on the holiday!! The “Trunk or Treat” event at the Reno Sparks Gospel Mission in October was fun and we served about 400 folks. Donations for coats and warm items for Christmas 2017 brought in an unprecedented 450 articles of clothing!! We distributed 240,000 pounds of food to 11,000 people and served 2000 hot meals. All in all, the general atmosphere at the pantry and outreach has truly become one of community, family and true fellowship. All of us serving and caring for our “neighbors”.
In conclusion, I am still grateful and in awe of what The Lord can do in and thru us as we are willing. That “He died for us while we were still sinners…” Rom 5:8, and that I am privileged to be used and grown in and by Him!! Thank you for the continued support of Dimensions.
2016… Dare I say that it was another amazing year in the Lord? I know that I sound like a broken record and at the same time, it's beyond my comprehension that ministry gets more amazing every year!
The "numbers" that we served are similar to years past. We served 11,031 people groceries, 2,155 hot meals, 240,683 pounds of food were distributed and literally tons of clothing, Bibles, hygiene items and pet food. Most importantly we engaged in countless prayers, encouragement and conversations with anyone who asked or accepted the offer! The prayer tent, I believe has become a symbol of the place people can go to talk and find some refuge and comfort.
Our name, “Dimensions", represents the 3-D personhood of human beings. We (people) are body, mind and spirit. The name “Dimensions” also represents depth. The Lord has brought depth to the ministry in people's lives. The numbers may seem the same as last year, but not the depth of what we do. As I look at the whole picture, myself included, the Lord has brought His concept of Love, true Love, to a whole new level. I have people asking to remind others that God loves them! Our volunteer base is strong and I see people growing! I see struggle and freedom from bondage happening! I am privileged to see people downtown and at the food pantry accepting the Lord in salvation and re-dedication to Him! Glory to God!
The streets are just not a life-giving force! What I have discovered is that we are all so extremely unique, and individual, that God truly does have an individualized plan and purpose for each of us. So would you join us in prayer, service and giving, that we would be a catalyst in helping people discover God, Who He is, who we are in Him and the life in abundance He promises for those who belong to Him! John 10:10. He truly wants to set the captives free!
The streets are just not a life-giving force! What I have discovered is that we are all so extremely unique, and individual, that God truly does have an individualized plan and purpose for each of us. So would you join us in prayer, service and giving, that we would be a catalyst in helping people discover God, Who He is, who we are in Him and the life in abundance He promises for those who belong to Him! John 10:10. He truly wants to set the captives free!
Thank you for supporting us, thank you for letting me continue to minister! In his service, Fran Richardson
I am looking forward to new growth in 2016. Several areas we will be focusing on are deliverance ministry as well as recovery ministry in downtown Reno. I am looking forward to exploring new ideas for volunteerism, grant writing and leadership. My dream is to one day partner with local ranchers, farmers and various companies to provide more healthy alternatives for folks. One prayer has already been answered! We are privileged to further our partnership with Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada Resource Network in "Hoop Houses” that provide year-round fresh produce!
Thank you all for helping Dimensions to be an awesome ministry of compassion to our neighbors in this community!
Dimensions 2015 was another awesome year of growth and learning in the Lord. I learned a lot about myself, the Lord, prayer, ministry and volunteerism. I realized that we need all these parts, and more, to be whole!!
In 2015, Dimensions food pantry and homeless ministry served 225,000 pounds of food to 13,000 people along with 2,500 hot meals, an amazing amount of clothing, personal hygiene items, Bibles, life packs, eyeglasses and other necessities. We were also able to provide folks with motel rooms for those who needed a temporary place to stay. We were blessed to be able to assist in the Clearlake Fire in California by collecting donations and taking three loads of necessities for fire victims along with cash donations to Northern California. We had a work boot fundraiser, "GIVE WORK BOOTS, GIVE HOPE" and were able to give 75 pairs of work boots to Nevada Job Connect and Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada Resource Network to distribute to folks needing to equip themselves for work.
We had several folks come forward in our downtown outreach ministry to accept salvation, along with one volunteer at the food pantry. We bought a brand-new prayer tent and were able to offer folks private prayer as well as our usual prayer, conversation and fellowship. We are continuing to develop in the spiritual move of God and are focusing on prayer and deliverance.
This ministry would not exist without partners. We continue to do prayer every Sunday morning at 6:30 AM and have had a couple people join us there. We also have several new giving partners as well. We had another great year with our garage sale fundraiser. Trader Joe's continues to supply all of our paper grocery bags, Model Dairy continues to give us milk, we are a partner agency with the Food Bank of Northern Nevada and we continue to be blessed to be part of a State of Nevada grant through Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada.
I am looking forward to new growth in 2016. Several areas we will be focusing on are deliverance ministry as well as recovery ministry in downtown Reno. I am looking forward to exploring new ideas for volunteerism, grant writing and leadership. My dream is to one day partner with local ranchers, farmers and various companies to provide more healthy alternatives for folks. One prayer has already been answered! We are privileged to further our partnership with Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada Resource Network in "Hoop Houses” that provide year-round fresh produce!
Thank you all for helping Dimensions to be an awesome ministry of compassion to our neighbors in this community!neighbors in this community!